Contact Us

The Democratic Party of Sauk County
S4066 Suite #8 Hwy BD
Baraboo, WI 53913

Our office is staffed by volunteers.
They do a wonderful job, but are in the office only when they can.
If you call and there is no answer, be sure to leave a message and we will call you back.

Send us an e-mail and ask for our newsletter. We send one every month. We have meetings and events all through the year. You can volunteer to help in many activities. Join Sauk Dems by joining the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. When you give your address, WisDems then knows what county you are in. By joining, part of your donation comes back to Sauk County. We use the money to keep our office open and help our candidates get elected. Click here to join!


Authorized and Paid for by the Democratic Party of Sauk County
Susan Knower, chair
Mary Friesen, treasurer
© 2024